Haryana Vidya Mandir, Kolkata recently organised a two-day prestigious Training of Trainers programme by CBSE-recognised resource persons on November 29 and 30. The event commenced with the lighting of the lamp, followed by felicitation of all delegates by the School’s managing committee and Principal Sanghamitra Banerjee. The event was attended by Principals from various renowned schools from different districts of the state.
The programme was graced by Thongkholet Mate, COE Head, Bhagaban Padhy, ISTM Deputy Director and Ananya Dutta Chowdhury, Jt. Labour Commissioner(P) at Labour Commissionerate, Government Of West Bengal on the first day of the training.
The opening ceremony consisted of Saraswati Vandana and a dance performance on Guru Vandana by the school students.
The first day of the training was power-packed with intense training being provided to the teachers. Bhagaban Padhy wove into the matter of the training very intricately, giving invaluable insights into various aspects of training a large group of teachers.
As the morning waved into the afternoon the session turned out to be an extremely interactive one where each participant started putting their inputs in a very conducive atmosphere. There were equally interesting activities, which according to all participants had been framed in a well-planned, organised manner.
The second day of the training session began around 11 am. The training session was based on NEP 2020 and Experiential Learning. The numerous facts were shared with the participants by Paramjeet Kaur, Principal, Sarala Birla Public School, Ranchi.
The final day ended on a very positive note with an expression of appreciation and gratitude by the esteemed COE Head towards the Resource Persons and the Venue Director. The event concluded with the singing of the National Anthem.