Over 8.7 lakh students' Common University Entrance Test Postgraduate (CUET PG) results were released by the National Testing Agency (NTA) and can be seen at cuet.nta.nic.in. Students can determine their likely score by using the CUET PG final answer key 2023 PDF download link on the NTA website.
The second edition of the CUET PG test was held this year between June 5 and June 17 and June 22 and June 30 in 295 places around India and 24 cities outside of India.
For admission to central institutions and other participating universities, a total of 8,76,908 students registered for the national-level PG entrance exam. The process for PG admission has already begun at some state universities.
CUET PG Result 2023: Steps to check
Direct link to check CUET PG Result 2023