UGC Chairman M Jagadesh Kumar has recently declared that the Common University Entrance Test Postgraduate (CUET PG) 2023 application date has been extended. Previously it was scheduled to end today, 19 April the CUET PG application window will now shut down on 5 May. Applicants who are yet to register for their postgraduate programmes in CUET PG 2023 participating universities can now apply and register:
CUET PG 2023 Application Form: How to Register
CUET PG 2023 will take place from 1 to 10 June for granting admission to postgraduate programmes in central, state, deemed, and private universities throughout the country. The last date to register for CUET PG 2023 is 5 May, the correction window will be live between 6 to 8 May. Applicants must hereby also note that the CUET PG 2023 dates to download admit cards and declaration of result will be live on CUET PG portal soon.