The Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) has extended the last date to apply for 1,458 Assistant Sub Inspector (ASI) Steno and Head Constable (HC) Ministerial posts. Eligible and interested candidates can submit their forms up to 31 January on the CRPF recruitment portal at, or Previously, the application deadline was 25 January. The application process began on 4 January.
Out of the total 1458 posts, 143 posts are for ASI and the other 1315 are for Head Constable post. The admit cards for the above mentioned posts will be released on 15 February, 2023. The eligibility criteria for application to these posts is that the candidate must have passed Intermediate (10+2) or equivalent exam.
CRPF Recruitment 2023: Steps to apply
The selection process will comprise of computer based test, skill test, physical standard test, document verification and medical test.
The examination fees is Rs 100 for male candidates of General, EWS and OBC only. Women and candidates belonging to SC/ST, Ex-servicemen categories are exempted from paying the exam fee.