The Directorate of Medical Education (DME) Chhattisgarh is set to release the seat allotment list for NEET UG 2024 round 1 tomorrow, August 27. Candidates who registered for the state quota seats in the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) and Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) programmes can access the seat allotment results on the official websites and
Steps to Check the Chhattisgarh UG NEET Merit List 2024 (once released)
Upon securing a seat in the first round of NEET UG counselling, candidates must complete the admission process for government medical colleges. However, admission to private medical and dental colleges is not compulsory at this stage. All candidates assigned seats are required to undergo a mandatory document scrutiny process. Failing to secure admission at a government medical college will disqualify the candidate from further rounds of counselling.
The seat allotment for Chhattisgarh NEET UG counselling round 1 will take place from August 28 to 29, with the results being declared on August 30. Admissions at the allotted institutes will be conducted from August 31 to September 5, 2024.