The Secondary Board of Education, Bihar (BSEB) issued the dummy registration cards for students who have registered online for the Intermediate (Class 12) and matriculation (Class 10) annual examinations, in 2025. Candidates will be able to download by visiting the official websites- and
The official BSEB notice mentioned that the candidates or heads of educational institutes can report any errors in the dummy registration card and request corrections of the same latest by 14 August 2024.
As per the schedule, the deadline for candidates who have not registered yet is 5 August 2024, whereas the last date of payment is 2 August 2024.
BSEB Class 10, 12 Registration Dummy Cards: Steps to download
Candidates can also contact helpline numbers 0612-2230039 for Intermediate and 0612-2232074 for Matric, in case of any inconvenience.