The Bihar board Class 12 exam 2023 is scheduled to begin tomorrow, 1 February 2023. The exam will be conducted by the Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB). Students can visit the official website- to check their Bihar Board Class 12 timetable 2023.
The BSEB theory exams are scheduled to be conducted from 1 February to 11 February 2023.
The exam will be held in two shifts and will begin with Mathematics and Hindi paper tomorrow. The first shift of the exam is from 9:30 am to 12:45 pm. The second shift will be conducted from 1:45 pm to 5 pm.
Earlier, BSEB released the Bihar Board Class 12 exam admit card 2023 on its official website. The admit card is the mandatory document which is required to be carried along on the exam day.
The BSEB Class 12 admit card includes the name of the student, name of the school, roll number, subject name, subject codes, exam date, exam centre name, centre code, exam timing and exam day instructions. Students should read beforehand all the exam day instructions mentioned in the admit card.
Bihar Board Class 12 exam 2023: Exam day instructions