Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), a Navaratna company, under the Ministry of Defence, announced in an official advertisement that applications are invited for 47 Trainee Engineer(TE) posts. Interested candidates can submit their applications online through the official website - The application window will be active till March 7, 2024.
Age Limit
Educational Qualification
BE/ BTech/ BSc Engineering (4 years) in Computer Science / Computer Science Engineering/ Computer Science & Engineering / Information Science/ Information Technology with a minimum of 55% aggregate marks for General/ OBC/ EWS candidates and pass marks for SC/ST/ PwBD candidates from AICTE/ UGC approved college/ institute or recognised university.
Here is a step-by-step guide on how you can apply
Selection Mode
Candidates will be selected based on their performance in the written test (walk-in mode), followed by a personal interview. The selection date and walk-in interview venue will be mailed to the candidates through the email id provided by them at the time of application.