The application correction window for the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination Board's (WBJEEB) Joint Entrance for Lateral Entry (JELET) 2024 concludes today, March 22. Candidates registered for the exam have until today to rectify any errors in their applications via the official website,
Primary details such as name, father's name, mother's name, gender, domicile, and date of birth cannot be edited. However, applicants can modify other details such as address, education qualifications, category, photograph, school name, and college name by logging in with their credentials.
How to Make Corrections
The tentative date for the Admit Card publication is June 21, 2024, with the examination scheduled for June 29, 2024, between 11 AM and 1 PM. The date for result publication will be announced later. For further details, refer to the official notification.