The Directorate of Government Examinations, Andhra Pradesh began registrations for the Secondary School Certificate (AP SSC) examination for regular students today i.e. on 28 October. Regular students can register for AP SSC 2024 through the official website-
As per the official notification, the students data has to be filled online by using their respective User ID and Password provided by the O/o DGE in the website “” for the generation of Nominal Rolls.
"Only schools which have obtained the Opening Permissions/ ETRs from the competent authority and submitted the same to the O/o DGE are permitted to apply for AP SSC public examinations, March/April-2024", the official notification said.
The AP SSC board examinations will be conducted for 100 marks following the 6 paper pattern. AP SSC 1st language, 2nd language, 3rd language, Mathematics, General Science and Social Studies subjects contain one paper each and each paper will be conducted for 100 marks. For the General Science subject, Physical Science and Biological Science Examinations will be conducted on two different days with a duration of 2 hours each.
AP SSC 2024 Registration: Steps to apply