The All India Management Association (AIMA) has officially released the admit card for its Under Graduate Aptitude Test (UGAT) 2024. Candidates who registered for the upcoming exam can now download the admit cards through the official website -
The exam itself is still set to take place on June 16, 2024, for candidates aspiring to seek admission into various undergraduate programmes like Integrated MBA, BBA, BCA, BCom, among others at multiple universities/institutions/colleges accepting the UGAT scores.
UGAT 2024 Admit Card - Easy Steps for Downloading
Step 1: Visit the official website at
Step 2: Select ‘UGAT’ from the ‘Testing & Assessment’ section.
Step 3: Click on the designated admit card download link displayed.
Step 4: Login with your unique credentials.
Step 5: The admit card will be displayed on the screen.
Step 6: Check, and download the same for future reference.
The admit card will be available for downloading only from the official website, and no paper admit card will be issued. The candidates must produce the printout of the same at the allotted centre for appearing at the examination.
The UGAT admit card will contain the following details;
Find the direct admit card download link here.