After the first Amrit Kaal Budget was tabled in the Lok Sabha, 150 school students from across India are engaging in a six-day National Youth Parliament titled as “Budget Dialogues 2023” organised by Youth Leadership Foundation. Founded by Mr. Kartikeya Goel, the Youth Leadership Foundation is becoming a major movement in India, with the youth wanting to participate in a civilised debate on the issues of nation building.
Budget Dialogues 2023 session commenced today with the inaugural address by Shri Om Birla, Hon'ble Speaker of the Lok Sabha. In his recorded video message, Shri Om Birla Ji congratulated the Youth Leadership Foundation for organising the 3rd Budget Dialogues, 2023. He also encouraged the youth to strengthen the mother of democracy – India – by actively participating in the democratic process and by understanding the working of the three pillars of democratic India – the Legislature, Executive, and Judiciary. He observed that India has made great economic and social progress over the last 75 years. He also expressed pride in this year’s G-20 theme of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam as India assumes the Presidency of the G-20. Finally, he acknowledged the role of the student and youth community in strengthening and leading India towards a glorious future.
Over the next four days, Student Youth Parliamentarians will discuss and debate on the Ministry/Department wise budget allocations and propose amendments to the Union Budget. The final and consolidated Budget Proposals will be presented on 8 February 2023 by Master Zaib Danish Ali, the Student Finance Minister of Budget Dialogues, 2023.
The theme of Budget Dialogues 2023 is “Making India the World’s Hope” Keeping this theme in mind, school students will deliberate, debate, and discuss ways of strengthening the Indian economy so that in the next 25 years, as India enters Amrit Kaal, it becomes the largest economy of the world.
Budget Dialogues 2023 is a unique initiative, where more than 5000 school students from 100+ schools across India had participated in the preliminary stages. Among them, the best 150 school students were selected as Student Youth Parliamentarians. These Student Youth Parliamentarians are assigned different ministries and mandated to debate and deliberate on the budgetary allocations proposed in the Union Budget of India. These Student Youth Parliamentarians will then suggest amendments to the Union of India Budget based on the unique perspective of school students. A copy of the proposed amendments shall be presented to the Hon’ble Finance Minister of India by a delegation of the Youth Leadership Foundation.
Setting the agenda for Budget Dialogues 2023, Kartikeya Goel, Founder & President of NYP, noted: “This is our third consecutive Budget Dialogue. We feel that the Union Budget for 2023-24 is extremely crucial for India. At a time when India holds the Presidency of the G-20 and is a beacon light of hope for the global economy, the Indian budget should create a foundation on which we, the youth, would construct the India of our dreams.”
Expressing similar sentiment, Zaib Danish Ali, Student Finance Minister of Budget Dialogues, 2023, stated: “The goal in the first year of Amrit Kaal is to focus on those areas of development that would allow India to be a global leader by 2050. Through Budget Dialogues 2023, we wish to harness the creative instincts of the Indian youth to establish India as a creative hub that would drive the world economy.”
At the end of Budget Dialogues 2023, a panel of experts will declare the winners of Budget Dialogues 2023. Prominent award categories include: