Subhas Bose Institute of Hotel Management (SBIHM)

Get Direct Entry into a National Council of Hotel Management approved college in Kolkata

ABP Digital Brand Studio
Posted on 04 Aug 2023
12:51 PM
National Council of Hotel Management SBIHM

People, just as they cannot stay outside their homes, similarly, when they go for travel or business purposes, there is no alternative to staying in a hotel. Staying in a hotel, the food you eat, conferences, seminars, and all other services are the responsibility of the hotel manager and chefs. And just as one needs to pass MBBS to become a doctor, engineering to become an engineer or LLB to become a lawyer, to get a job in a 5-star hotel, one needs to pass Hospitality and Hotel Administration. In fact, students who pass out from a National Council for Hotel Management and Catering Technology (NCHMCT) approved college with Hospitality and Hotel Administration do not face any obstacles in their job life. 

It has been a few days since the results of the Higher Secondary (10+2) examinations conducted by the Central and State Government Boards were published. It is the right time to choose a degree course for admission. A special review shows that among all the professional courses, the best course for jobs is Hospitality and Hotel Administration. After passing this course, 90% of the students get jobs. 

Today, we are here to discuss Hospitality and Hotel Administration with Professor Sumit Kumar Mondal


Question: Can students who have recently passed Higher Secondary exams apply for the Hospitality and Hotel Administration course? 

Answer: Students who have recently passed Higher Secondary (10+2) exams can apply for  National Council for Hotel Management and Catering Technology (NCHMCT) admission. The course is Bachelor of Science in Hospitality and Hotel Administration. 

Question: How many years is the course? Which stream students can apply for this course? 

Answer: Previously, the course duration was 3 years. Now, according to the new education policy, it is four years. Students from any stream (Commerce, Science, Arts) who have passed Higher Secondary (10+2) can apply for admission. 

Question: What subjects are taught in the Hospitality and Hotel Administration course?

Answer: The management course covers several subjects. Major subjects include four food production, accommodation, front office, and F&B service. Additionally, there are computers, communication, marketing and sales, facility management, principal management, hotel accounting, business law, hotel French, and nutrition-food science. 

Question: If a student wants to get admission to a National Council for Hotel Management and Catering Technology-approved college in Kolkata, what should they do? 

Answer: Students can apply to the NCHMCT Kolkata College - Subhas Bose Institute of Hotel Management (SBIHM) for admission to Hospitality and Hotel Administration. They can visit the college's website or call 7439965267 for more information. 

Question: If a student has not taken the National Council for Hotel Management and Catering Technology entrance exam and has no rank, can they still get admission to Kolkata's approved college in 2023? 

Answer: Yes, they can. Some colleges have been given permission to directly admit students to the National Council. 

Question: Where should students who want to get admission to a National Council-approved college in Kolkata contact? 

Answer: Students can go to the National Council's online portal and choose Kolkata's college, or call 7439965267 or visit the college's website 

Question: After passing Hospitality and Hotel Administration, how are the opportunities for higher education and jobs for students? 

Answer: After passing the course, students can pursue a Master's degree or MBA. They have opportunities for jobs in government and private universities in India and abroad. 

Question: How easy is it to get a job after completing the Hospitality and Hotel Administration course, and in which sectors can one get a job? 

Answer: To be honest, it is not so easy to get a job after completing this course because the number of degree holders is relatively small compared to the vacancies in the job market. Generally, students get jobs in 5-star hotels, airlines, cruise lines, airports, railways, banks, restaurants, resorts, theme parks, casinos, retail, real estate, tourism, and malls. 

Question: After passing Hospitality and Hotel Administration, what is the salary scale for students, and in which positions can they find jobs? 

Answer: Currently, the salary for students who have recently passed the course ranges from 18 to 25 thousand, along with PF, bonus, service charge, medical facilities, general management training, supervisor, HOD, Captain, assistant manager, etc. Management course means abundant expenses. This idea is not correct for the colleges approved by the National Council for Hotel Management. The colleges follow a specific fee structure set by the government. 

For more information about the National Council of Hotel Management and Catering Technology-approved Hospitality and Hotel Administration colleges, contact helpline numbers 9830012536/7439965267.

Last updated on 04 Aug 2023
02:58 PM
Subhas Bose Institute of Hotel Management (SBIHM) National Council for Hotel Management and Catering Technology (NCHM&CT) NCHMCT Admission
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