Twelve-year-old Niharika Das of Hooghly-Chinsurah is the only girl in her class to skate. When most of her classmates at her school, Krishna Bhabini Naro Siksha Mandir in Chandernagore, were learning karate, swimming and other activities, Niharika took to her roller skates.
"My neighbour, a girl senior to me, took me to a cemented area near my home where students could skate. And that got me hooked since last year," she said.
From taking part in local competitions to winning a bronze in 1,000m at the recently concluded 7th Ranking Open National Roller Skating Championship in Raipur (category 11-14 year, girls), Niharika has come a long way.
“Skating is an interesting sport that makes me very happy. I am the only one in my class who is doing something different. I hope to represent my country at international meets one day,” said the girl, who has also started practising at the state’s first 200-metre skating rink at Eco Park that has been set up by the Bengal Skating Association, with the support of the state government.
Seven skaters from the state got medals at the Raipur meet that took place from June 6 to 9. Around 57 skaters from the city and other districts had taken part, spelling a new world of opportunities.
“Skating and dancing are my hobbies,” said seven-year-old Subhika Mukherjee of Class II, Delhi Public School, Megacity. The gold and bronze medalist at Raipur (from the 7-9 year girls category) is still basking in the joy of her first achievement. She began skating on the cemented grounds of her complex at the ageof five.
“She would be scared of falling down and getting hurt initially,” said mother Parnika Agarwal. Gradually Subhika gained confidence with practice at Eco Park. “I would practise for three to four hours,” said Subhika, the passion and perseverance winning her the gold for 800m and bronze for 500m +D.
The young skaters competed with over 1,300 from all over India in various age groups (5-7, 7-9, 9-11, 11-14, 14-17 and above 17). It was a great exposure for all, even those who did not win. “I spoke to participants from different states and perfected my hand and leg movement. Skating makes me feel so free. I am looking forward to participating in more contests,” said Class VIII student Jishnoo Bhadra of La Martiniere for Boys.
Shubro Ganguly coached the Bengal skaters. According to manager Debasish Shaw, the skating rink at Eco Park has given children a new passion. “Students from Calcutta and the districts drop in to train and practise here. Many are very serious about the sport,” said Shaw.