Combined Medical Service Examination

UPSC declares Combined Medical Services Exam Final Result - Know how to check

Our Correspondent
Posted on 09 Dec 2023
13:37 PM
Representative Image File Image
A total of 576 candidates have qualified in Category 1 while 648 candidates have qualified in the category 2 of the exam
UPSC has recommended candidates in Medical Officers Grade in the General Duty Medical Officer and Assistant Divisional Medical Officer in several government departments

The final results of Combined Medical Services (CMS) examination have been released by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). A total of 576 candidates have qualified in Category 1 while 648 candidates have qualified in the category 2 of the exam. 

Through this exam, UPSC has recommended candidates in Medical Officers Grade in the General Duty Medical Officer and Assistant Divisional Medical Officer in several government departments. 

Category I


In this category, General Duty Medical officers will be recruited in central health service. 

Category II

In category II, the successful candidates will be recruited for the following positions

a) Assistant Divisional Medical Officer in the Railways

b)General Duty Medical Officer in New Delhi Municipal Corporation

General Duty Medical Officer Group-II in Municipal Corporation of Delhi

The appointment to the positions will be made by the government in accordance with the candidates fulfilling all the eligibility conditions and pre-appointment formalities or verifications. 

How to check the Results of UPSC CMS Examination?

Step 1: Log on to the official website of UPSC at

Step 2: Scroll down and click on the 'Final Results' tab 

Step 3: Click on Combined Medical Services Examination 2023 - Step 4: Category-I or Category II for which you had appeared. 

Step 5: A pdf file will open in front of you

Step 6: Scroll down and check your Roll number and name from the list of successful candidates.

Step 7: Download the result and take a print out for future reference 

Last updated on 09 Dec 2023
01:38 PM
Combined Medical Service Examination UPSC Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) UPSC CMSE
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