
Career in technical writing: 4 different types of technical writers

Nancy Jaiswal
Posted on 12 Aug 2022
17:47 PM
Technical writing simplifies the complex Source: Picpedia
Technical writing is the task of simplifying the complex
Broadly there are three different types of technical writing

What is technical writing 

Technical writing is the task of simplifying the complex. The writing itself involves elaborating technical information and presenting it in a manner that makes it easy to understand. This includes, and is not limited to, the preparation of technical documents and manuals. Some of the common forms of technical writing are: white papers, instruction manuals, manuals, and product descriptions. 

Types of Technical writing 


Broadly, there are four different types of technical writing. These are:

1. Scientific and medical papers:

Technical writing in these fields falls under the traditional category. This involves taking technical information from course-specific books or research papers and modifying it to make it understandable for a specific audience. 

Researchers use this academic method to analyze their findings, prepare reports and thereafter organize them into engaging content that can be published in journals, newsletters, or digital platforms. 

2. User Manuals

User manuals are the most basic form of technical writing that a writer comes across once he/she enters the field. User manuals generally answer questions regarding the specific use of consumer products and seek to improve the user experience for all users. 

Writing longer subject-specific guides or books is also a form of technical writing. These guides break the product down into smaller components, explain how it works, as well as include a troubleshooting section to tackle any problems the user may face. 

3. Assembly manuals 

Assembly manuals are probably the most common form of technical writing that happens in a corporation's mechanical department. These manuals contain details about the disassembly and reassembly process of a particular machine or piece of equipment. The language differs from other forms of technical communication. Assembly manuals are also coming into vogue these days for consumer products with many DIY-ers buying furniture or other things that need to be assembled by the consumer themselves.

4. Technical documents 

Documentation at corporates often includes reviewing and reporting on stakeholder meetings, business proposals, and presentations. This form of writing combines academic reports with technical research-based guides. Furthermore, technical reports in a corporate set up include: Feasibility reports, research reports, business plans, proposals briefs, press releases, case studies, etc.

However, no matter which role you prepare for, there are a few key skills that can help you become a pro in technical writing.

Skills of a technical writer 

Though the basic skills for technical writers are pretty much the same as for any writers in a different categories, some specific skills still remain dedicated for this niche:

1. Research Skills: Technical writers must hold the ability to conduct strong and detailed research on a subject before they commence writing to produce content that serves the purpose. Most technical texts involve some research and study before it is actually penned down. Technical writers must be able to identify the most important points of content before they start writing. They should also be able to do tertiary research and substantiate the content as they go along. 

2. Extensive technical knowledge: A technical writer must have extensive and indepth understanding of the subject that they are writing about. Having indepth knowledge allows them to simplify the content so that even someone with less knowledge is able to understand what they are trying to convey. They must also be able to use their knowledge to create reports and guides that match the brief or requirement.

3. Tech-savvy personality: The contemporary era requires technical writers to have knowledge of content development software systems, to develop high-quality content in a short period of time. Aspirants can consider taking up an online course on software systems for content creation before stepping into the field. 

4. Proofreading and editing skills: Technical writers must be able to read their work and spot typos, spelling, and grammatical errors to excel in this professional field. Such write ups must be professional and free of errors before it reaches a common reader. 

Technical writers bridge the gap existing between subject matter experts and the general public by explaining a topic in lucid language. As technology becomes more complex, and more people look at finding solutions to their technical or technological problems themselves, the requirement for technical writers will continue to grow in the near future. With the development of artificial intelligence and various other tools for technical writers, it is also clear that significant effort its being put into this area. Hence, honing your skills to become a professional in the field can be a good investment for your future.

Last updated on 16 Aug 2022
04:00 PM
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