St Augustine’s Day School, Barackpore and Shyamnagar on Saturday, November 4, organised an inter-school fest at Sukanta Sadan in Barackpore area. The event was organised after a gap of three long years. The fest saw participation from 20 schools in and around Kolkata, where students showcased their talents in different competitions.
The event was graced by actor Kaushik Sen, who was the Chief Guest on the occasion, along with musicians Siddhartha Shankar ‘Sidhu’ Ray and Saikat Bagchi as celebrity judges.
The events at the inter-school fest included ‘Augustus Saregama’ (Eastern singing competition), ‘Augustus Rhythmic Rendezvous’ (Eastern classical dance competition) and Augustus Vogue (an extravagant fashion show).
While St Augustine’s Day School, Barackpore was declared the winner in the Augustus Saregama and Augustus Rhythmic Rendezvous, St. Joseph Convent of Kanchrapara pocketed a remarkable win in Augustus Vogue.
Indian martial dance was showcased at the fest named ‘Augustus Golden Feet’, where students from different schools showcased their artistic skills, with St Augustine’s Day Schools being adjudged the winner once again.
The biggest attraction of the event was a live performance by Bollywood singing sensation Ash King, who mesmerised the audience with his voice as the students swayed and danced to the melodious tunes.
The event united students from diverse schools, creating lasting emotional connections between them with excitement, friendship and passion thriving in their hearts.