On July 1st 2022, National Award winning film director Mr. Atanu Ghosh took the master class on film making at NSHM Knowledge Campus Kolkata. More than 100 students participated in that master class from different colleges including NSHM. Apparently the college is organising a series of such master classes to deliver unique university experience and to allow students to get a finer understanding of their chosen course topic. The master class which received a positive response from the students was indeed an enriching session for the budding filmmakers who wish to make their career in the industry.
"This is a kind of a series of master classes on the diversified domains in Media. More such classes are coming up in Journalism ( Print, Digital & Audio - Visual), Advertising, Public Relations, Photography etc. Our aim is to provide niche subject knowledge to the students from the industry captains in the diversified domains of Media" said Prof. Debanjan Banerjee, HOD - Media, NSHM Knowledge Campus, Kolkata
Speaking about the initiative Prof Amartya Banerjee Director, Media and Design - NSHM Knowledge Campus, Kolkata added "This is part of our outreach initiative where we intend to value add students with Industry knowledge delivered by industry professionals. This helps them in placements and better industry performance”.
In the contemporary era, students require more than just a teacher centric classroom to excel in their chosen career field. Making the learning session more engaging and experimental with a major focus on real world applications keeps the students up to date. This "Master class" initiative by the Media and Film School of NSHM Knowledge Campus, Kolkata is one such revolutionary step towards the same. The prestigious college of the city of joy is all set to hold more such master classes in future to enable students to get a deeper understanding of various media concepts.