In the world of young achievers a remarkable name shines bright from the Greenwood High International School: Ruslaan Alam Khan, a 7-year-old Grade 3 student, who recently bagged three gold and one silver medal at the US Kids Local Tour Golf Championship Fall Tour. His win at Clover Golf Green and Karnataka Golf Association (KGA) Bangalore, coupled with his victory at the Chennai Super Kings tournament organised by the Indian Golf Union (IGU) in TNG Chennai, paints a vivid picture of his exceptional journey in the realm of golf.
Ruslaan's Early Golfing Days
Growing up in Bangalore, Ruslaan was first introduced to the world of golf through KGA, Bangalore. Armed with nothing more than a set of borrowed clubs and an unyielding determination, young Ruslaan embarked on a journey to hone his golfing skills. Despite the lack of formal training and proper equipment, his innate talent was undeniable.
As Ruslaan advanced through the ranks, his passion for golf deepened. Hours were spent on the course, refining techniques, and studying strategies that would propel him to greater heights. His dedication was driven by a strong belief in his potential, a conviction that he would one day stand among the greats in the sport. Despite setbacks, doubts, and defeats, Ruslaan's spirit remained unbroken. Every challenge became an opportunity for growth and self-improvement.
The Telegraph Online Edugraph spoke to the young achiever about his achievements and his journey in Golf and he added “I was already doing well at the south zone level but wanted international exposure. Hence when I came to know the US Kids - India Fall Tour was happening in Bangalore, I asked my parents to apply for the same”.
Ruslaan's Quest for Excellence
Despite his achievements, Ruslaan's journey is far from its conclusion. With each swing of his club, he challenges himself, striving for excellence on the green ground. His personal goal extends beyond personal achievements he aims to attain the highest accolades not only for himself but also for those who have supported him on this remarkable journey.
“I love adventure and I feel this is the only game where I get a chance to hit the ball over the water body, bunker, trees, and roughs. And I love the clubs and irons which are used at different times of the game. The most important thing is that I can travel across the globe” , added Ruslaan.
Ruslaan's story serves as an inspiration, reminding everyone that passion, perseverance, and belief can transform dreams into reality.
“I am a big fan of Tiger Woods, and would like to play at an international level like him” , Ruslaan signs off.
As he continues to carve his path in the world of golf, The Telegraph Online Edugraph wishes him the very best for his future endeavours.