Lakshmipat Singhania Academy recently hosted Ekalakshya, comprising of three mega events - Abhilakshya, an innovative cultural meet, Bullionaire, a dynamic commerce meet and Iris, an insightful psychology meet. The theme for this year's event was “Visualize, Strategize and Illuminize”, inspiring students to light the way to innovation and success.
The event commenced with the school choir presenting an enchanting song 'Follow your Dreams' by Sheryn Regis which raised the enthusiasm of the different schools participating at the inter-school meet.
Meena Kak, director of Lakshmipat Singhania Academy highlighted the importance of different types of fests and how it enriches a student’s learning journey. She also emphasized on the literary theme of Abhilakshya and said that in future she would like the school to work on Bengali or Hindi literature.
Principal Jaya Misra extended a warm welcome to the chief guest, the judges for various events and all the students and teachers from the participating schools.
Dr Sumita Bannerjea, renowned author and educator, graced the event as the chief guest. Speaking on the occasion, she emphasized on the importance of creativity, finance and a healthy emotional quotient, and their significance in leading a balanced and healthy life.
She elaborated on various types of quotients that constitute a human being and made all those present familiar with the varied significances of the quotients like Social Quotient, Adversity Quotient, etc and their impact on our life and future.
The spectacular event concluded with the Prize Distribution ceremony with an enchanting dance performance by the students of LSA, followed by a motivating speech by the Guest of honour, Subrato Dutta, an entrepreneur who incubated The George Telegraph Institute. He encouraged all present with his sound advice, 'To be successful in life, one must have the willingness to be successful'.
At the prize distribution ceremony, Lakshmipat Singhania Academy emerged as the winner of all three events. The ceremony ended with a vote of thanks by Head Boy Taraksh Garodia and Head Girl Vidisha Mundhra and the singing of the national anthem.