Lakshmipat Singhania Academy hosted their inter-school events, Iris, Bullionaire, and Abhilakshya on 6th and 7th of July in a dazzling display of creativity and talent. This year, the fest embraced the profound theme of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam- "One Earth · One Family · One Future" with 600 participants from 15 schools across the city and beyond.
“We prepare our students to face the challenges beyond the protected boundaries of school. Having said that, bookish knowledge is not everything and they have to way beyond, thereby what they learn from these activities in the form of a fest they cannot learn from books. It also helps students to learn team spirit and fathom the concepts of inclusivity.” shared Director, Meena Kak with Edugraph.
Iris, an enrapturing psychology meet, emerges as an exhilarating platform where the intricate workings of the human mind take centre stage. Mask off- one of the events under Iris brought out the creativity of the students by painting half of the other participant’s faces to understand colour psychology. Emotique and Cognizance were events that brought the stage alive with captivating miming performances and tested the participants' knowledge of psychological disorders, respectively.
Bullionaire was the ultimate business meet that offered a platform for the students to test their entrepreneurship, financial and commerce skills. It featured events like Dynamo, Resource Wars, and Last Manager Standing. Students made rigorous attempts to showcase themselves as prospective marketing strategists, traders, managers and entrepreneurs. The sports enthusiasts also had their fair share of excitement with the volleyball tournament through a thrilling auction process.
Abhilakshya, an exuberant creative meet involved intriguing performative events like Rhythm, Claim Your Fame, Act O Mania, and Amplified Zone. Students from different schools thrived in their artistic instincts through movements, gestures and body enactments.
The excitement wrapped up with the rhythmic fusion of Indian and Western dance forms with students unleashing their collective talents- the combination of recitation-song-dance-magic shows within three minutes. Act O Mania was an enthralling dramatic event that integrated the power of poetry, song, dance, and humour into one. A group from Birla High School, Mukundapur, for instance, educated everyone with a very timely act on consumerism.
“I see my school changing only in a better sense, i.e., while I was studying, even though it always supported and pushed us to pursue our extracurricular interests, it did not have so much variety of events that they have now. This fest also made an amazing effort to feed in social values among the students in a unified manner,” shared Shreyashee Dutta, a Psychologist and Bharatanatyam dancer and an alumni of LSA.
“It is mesmerising to see children breaking the stereotype that cooking is a women’s job. Boys are equally enthusiastic to cook and coming up with unique recipes. Moreover, this exercise is helping them to self-learn about health and nutrition,” expressed Lynette Rebello, who judged the cooking events- Bento Box and Chef-e-teria.
Abhilakshya also engaged students to embark on a literary journey with riveting events like Inksteady and Tattoo Your Words. This competition assessed their language accuracy, vocabulary usage, and their ability to captivate readers with compelling narratives that leave a lasting impression.
The students were challenged to create mesmerising 3D sceneries within the confines of a shoebox in Paint-It-All. Within a time frame, participants skillfully combined illustrations, texts, and dialogues to convey engaging narratives in Comic Art.
“Fests like Abhilakshya help students to come up with innovative ideas and hone their creativity. For example in Paint-It-All, one of the students used ‘used lipstick’ to colour. Some of them were very topical, which is a commendable exercise for the development of the thought process of the children, ” said visual artist Anukta Mukherjee Ghosh - judge for both the painting events.
Aloke Kumar, Associate Professor at IIM Calcutta and Calcutta University, and the chief guest for the event, displayed his nostalgia while emphasising how times have changed. He also prompted the importance of case-studying stories that are not considered ‘successful’. Hence, he addressed all the eager participants to keep up the zeal to polish their skills and not merely run after the thirst for winning.
Abhilakshya, Iris and Bullionaire were drawn to a close with the prize distribution ceremony. It paved an opportunity for them to shine, express themselves, and inspire others with their unique abilities.