Amid the happy anticipation of the ever-awaited Puja period, the Xaverian Academy of Dance and Music (XADAM) made the day after Mahalaya even more joyous with their annual cultural extravaganza. The 15th of October, 2023 saw the 12th rendition of Goonj, the annual fest of XADAM and the only purely cultural fest celebrated in the college every year.
The day unfolded with an Inaugural song by the choir team members of XADAM.
After the performance, the dignitaries, Rev. Father Jeyaraj Veluswamy, Rector and Rev. Dr. Dominic Savio, Principal, of St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Kolkata and others who graced the proceedings were felicitated by the Deputy President of XADAM, Professor Sujata Pakrashi Lahiri. After the felicitation, the dignitaries participated in the auspicious occasion of the lighting of the lamp along with the Deputy President and Core Committee Members of XADAM. Then came the much-awaited moment when Rev. Dr. Dominic Savio, Principal of St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Kolkata, declared Goonj ’23 open.
This year, the theme for Goonj was ‘Ínfinity and Beyond’. The theme aimed at endorsing the limitless possibilities of dance and music as forms of art, and showcasing the diversity of genre, rules, and concepts that dance and music encompass in and of themselves. The student members of the dance team, guided by the Deputy President put forward a production that represented infinity in a very unique way. Bending rules of choreography and characterization, the dancers represented cosmic bodies like Earth, Sun, Moon, and others in their unique formations and storyline of performance in a dramatic dialogue between Earth and her neighbours in space, named Dharitri Samvad.
The in-house choir production by the XADAM team followed Dharitri Samvad. Combining songs from various timelines and styles of Indian music, from the eras of royal dynasties till the days of the cinema, the songs showcased followed the storyline of the evolution of music from past to present, illustrating how the constant musical notes will keep growing and evolving through new genres and styles till Infinity and Beyond.
Following the choir production, came the competitive segment of Goonj ‘23. To the list of already existing events from previous renditions – Nishaad(Fusion band competition), Dwita ( duet completion), Just A Minute or J.A.M.( solo music and dance competition), Tarana( Group Eastern Classical Dance Competition) and Dansation(Western Group Dance Competition) was added Riwayat, this year’s new event for Goonj, where participants performed theme walks onstage.
The events phase followed the closing ceremony that began with a vote of thanks and ended with the felicitation of winners and the organizing team of Goonj ’23. A day enriched with a brilliant display of cultural talent and plenty of joyous moments, Goonj ’23 by XADAM concluded itself with a grand success.