Marking its golden jubilee celebrations, Don Bosco School, Siliguri, recently organised a two-day open-air mega musical event. The event witnessed a footfall of 12,000 people including school children and guardians not only from Don Bosco but also from from students and faculty members of other schools.
The 1994 film 'The Lion King' was staged at the event with 19 students from classes 6 to 12 playing roles and 8 soloists lending their voice to the main characters. The play included 600 plus dancers along with a 500-strong choir backed by an ensemble of 70-member student orchestra.
"The Lion King talks about our interconnectedness and delicate balance between us and Mother Earth. It talks about values of family bonds, joint responsibility for future generations, facing adverse realities and not shirking away from our duties," said Fr V.C Jose, Principal and Rector of Don Bosco school, an acclaimed musician himself.
The stage set for the musical was 80 feet long and 60 feet wide with an audience capacity of 12,000 people and it was directed by Sayan Chakraborty, faculty of National School of Drama, Sikkim.
Talking about the play, in-house music director John Paul this play teaches the children the value of living in harmony.
"We found this theme most apt to teach children the value of living in harmony, respecting and protecting God’s beautiful creation entrusted to humans. In this year of golden jubilee we must remember that we come and go but an institution goes on for a long time,” he said.
Artists from the National School of Drama were involved in the setting of props and sets of the dance drama, while the choreography was done by Gopal Dalami, assisted by two local choreographers.