In a promising ceremony resonating with the objective of transformative education, Project Vidyasagar – Education Workshop commenced as our national anthem echoed through the halls of South Point High School, Kolkata. The esteemed Principal of the school, R Sanyal Bhattacharjee, lit the ceremonial lamp, heralding the dawn of a new educational paradigm on January 24, 2024 through January 25, 2024.
Harnessing the power of virtual connectivity, Shalini S Sharma, PhD, Assistant Secretary General, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, extended a heartfelt welcome to all; infusing the gathering with anticipation and purpose. The Vice Principal of South Point High School, Jaidev Ghosh, presented a warm welcome address, paving the way for Principal Bhattacharjee, whose impassioned words stirred the hearts of all present. With unwavering conviction, she underscored the imperative need to equip educators with the tools and insights necessary to embrace the transformative vision of National Education Policy (NEP) 2020.
The stage was then graced by the eminent Professor Indrani Bhaduri, Head and CEO of Performance Assessment, Review, and Analysis of Knowledge for Holistic Development (PARAKH) NCERT, whose keynote address and thematic presentation ignited a spark of inspiration in the hearts and minds of the attendees.
A diverse cohort of 84 participants from various educational institutions attended this intellectual exchange. Guiding them through this enlightening odyssey was none other than Priyanka Singh, an MPhil graduate in Mathematics from the esteemed Indian Institute of Science. A senior researcher and educational expert for PARAKH NCERT, she orchestrated learning sessions from 10AM to 5PM on both days.
The workshop pulsated with discussions on the New Education Policy (NEP) 2020, strategies to realise its visionary objectives, and a profound exploration of curricular goals, learning competencies, and tangible learning outcomes.
As the curtains were drawn on this transformative rendezvous, the echoes of Project Vidyasagar resonated as a harbinger of a brighter, more enlightened future for generations to come.