St. Augustine’s Day School, Shyamnagar organised a three-day educational tour to Murshidabad for the students of classes X-XII. The students were accompanied by the Headmistress, Coordinator, along with a few teachers who assembled on the 31 October morning at Barrackpore station to board their train to Murshidabad.
It took four hours to arrive at the destination, and upon reaching the exploration of the historical city and unravelling of the mystery of the past began. Starting with the Hazarduari palace, students got to know about various historical facts that are beyond the confinement of history books. After gathering information, the students returned to their temporary abode in the evening. The tunes of guitar and melodious songs filled the evening air in the accompaniment of coffee and snacks.
The next day included expeditions to temples and masjids that exported the spectators to a realm of an unknown century filling them with a sense of awe. The beautiful paintings, architectural patterns and artefacts made everyone proud of the glorious past of the land of Bengal. The evening was full of fun and frolic and the students took initiative to set up a bonfire under the teacher's guidance. The scouts of the school played a key role in organizing the bonfire and the evening was again an eventful one with songs and dance in which the teachers and the students both took part.
On the third day, students were taken to Motijheel Park where they enjoyed the lush green fields, flowers and rides. By evening the entire team was ready to depart from Murshidabad and to depart for their homes, to be received by their parents who eagerly waited for their children to return.
The trip was not just informative and educational but also included team spirit building, and developing an unbreakable bond between the teachers and students which brought them together like a family. The trip ended on a happy note where each student bid goodbye to the other with a smile on their face and an eagerness in their eyes for the next trip. This trip to Murshidabad created some beautiful memories and the school will look forward to such trips in future.