DPS Megacity, Kolkata is all set to organise and host the inaugural edition of the SHYAM SUNDER SHAH MEMORIAL CUP, a T10 Cricket Tournament for the Under 15 Boys, in the memory of the late father of its beloved Pro Vice Chairman, Sri Vijay Agarwal.
Eight top schools of the city and state, namely DPS Ruby Park, DPS Howrah, DPS Newtown, The Heritage School, St. James School, National English School, St. Xavier’s Collegiate School along with DPS Megacity, Kolkata.
The tournament will take place for three days, beginning from Tuesday 2 May and concluding on Thursday 4 May, 2023. Eminent cricketer Avik Chowdhury will be the Chief Guest in the inauguration session. The SHYAM SUNDER SHAH MEMORIAL CUP will be an annual fixture.