An Intra college athletic meet was recently organised by the Bhawanipur Education Society College at the Gitanjali Stadium in Kolkata. The electrifying event sparked off with march past at the stadium led by the NCC unit of the college and lighting of the Mashaal by the College President Rajnikant Dani, Dr Suman Mukherjee, the Director General of the college, Prof Dilip Shah, Rector & Dean of Student affairs, Jitendra Shah, Umesh Thakkar, Prof Minakshi Chaturvedi, Coordinator of B.Com (Morning) and Sports-in-charge Mr Rupesh Gandhi and Mr Bhavin Parmar.
The events lined up for the Athletic Meet were Track events like 100m, 200m, 400m and Relay races. The other set of Field events that were a part of Urja 2023 were the Javelin Throw, Shot Put, and Discus Throw: The field events witnessed dedicated participation, showcasing absolutely fit participants, who turned out to be talented athletes.
Apart from this, a 100m race was also organised for the teaching staff of the college, which was ultimately won by Chandan Jha from B.Com (Morning).
The event culminated successfully due to the tremendous efforts of a dedicated team of eight referees, the sports arena members, 52 volunteers and the meticulous guidance of the Sports In-charge.
Danesh F Tarpore and Shabari Dad, the students at the college were hailed as Best Athlete (Male) and Best Athlete (Female), respectively for Urja 2023.
The event culminated with the Prize Distribution ceremony and all the winners were honoured with certificates and medals. The day came to an end with the audience being treated to an extravagant performance by Retro Cats, the guest band.