'Team Urja', an all-girls team, comprising three students: Sanjana Chauhan, Samara Chauhan and Samaya Chauhan of Class X, Amity International School Pushp Vihar, New Delhi, bagged the 'Best Project Management Portfolio Award', sponsored by Project Management Institute (PMI) and nominated for the 'Women in Motorsports Award', during the Amarco F1 in Schools World Finals 2023 held in Singapore, from 8th-14th September 2023.
Project Management is an integral part of F1 in Schools wherein the teams have to prepare a project report in the form of a portfolio. Every team had to showcase how they initiated, planned, executed, monitored and closed their own F1 in Schools World Finals project.
Team Urja managed their project in the best way using the best practices of project management. The other teams who were nominated in the category were Team Oryx from Saudi Arabia and Team Aurora from Australia, however, Team Urja won the award.
The best 68 teams from countries including the UK, Australia, Greece, Germany and many others, reached the finals after qualifying in their country’s national and regional rounds and extensive rounds of interviews were done on the various portfolios.
Delighted at the students’ achievements, Dr. Amita Chauhan, Chairperson of Amity International Schools, averred, “The dedication and perseverance of the students is commendable, and they have brought great pride to their school and nation. Motivated and supported by the teachers, Amity School students have always stood out and performed brilliantly in various competitions at the National and International Level, keeping the Indian Flag and Amity Flag flying high and bringing international recognition and laurels to the school.”