Mothers Day Special

DPS Howrah’s Principal Ms Sunita Arora shares her thoughts on International Mothers day

Ms Sunita Arora
Posted on 14 May 2023
07:39 AM
Ms Sunita Arora, Principal, DPS Howrah Source: Ms Sunita Arora
Being a teacher, we are trained to develop young minds into being better citizens and in this gradual process this has overlapped with my role as a mother as well
A teacher is expected to deal with students in a humane manner and in this gradual process of development and redevelopment a teacher’s role intertwines with that of a mother

Life always takes us to different trajectories, my career as a teacher has taken me to several such terrains. To start, I must say that teaching as a career is very significant in developing a different arena of thoughts, in others. Being a teacher, we are trained to develop young minds into being better citizens and in this gradual process this has overlapped with my role as a mother as well. A teacher, as per the Indian scenario, has to delve into the depth of the human psyche so that she/he can create truly beautiful minds, a teacher is not only an educator but also a nurturer of life.

We are the products of our ecosystem and we learn from our surroundings. Our nature has taught us to be benevolent and as teachers we are supposed to imbibe the same benevolence from nature. In the gradual process of nurturing young minds, a teacher has to deal with the students with a lot of love and care and most important is the patience which teachers require to build lives. Since students spend a major part of their day in school, naturally they tend to confide more in their teacher, so, in a latent manner, a teacher not only knows a student’s skill-sets but she/he also becomes a pivotal source of inspiration for the students, in this process. Being a mother is not an easy job and it is as tireless and as thankless as any other profession, similarly a teacher has also got a monumental role to play in the life of the students and it is at times exhausting as well but when the same student achieves flying colours in life, the radiance of the bright, smiling faces of the teachers are noteworthy. A teacher is expected to deal with students in a humane manner and in this gradual process of development and redevelopment a teacher’s role intertwines with that of a mother, to cut short, we can say that a teacher also leaves a lasting imprint on the mindset of the students as well, a true curator of new ideas indeed. 

In my long career as an educator, I have come up to this realisation that however fatiguing the job of a teacher is, it is a different pleasure to see a lily bloom after a stormy night and it is equally joyful to see the bright faces of the students which is a sum of all the efforts that a teacher puts without thinking of anything in return. Within and out of a classroom, every teacher is really a mother, a careful potter who tirelessly creates a Grecian Urn.

Last updated on 14 May 2023
07:40 AM
Mothers Day Special DPS HOWRAH Students Mothers Teachers
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